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Women-Owned Businesses


Resources for Women Owned Businesses
StartUp Washington - Washington Department of Commerce

It’s no secret that women are opening businesses in record number. From small shops to high profile startups, 36% of all businesses in the United States are women-owned businesses; that’s roughly 10 million companies.


Minority and Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) Certification
Business Oregon - State of Oregon

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women Business Enterprise (WBE) certifications are for minority-owned and women-owned businesses seeking opportunities for state, county, and city government, and special jurisdiction (e.g. hospitals and universities) contracts. M/WBE are based on the individual rather than the size of the business. Certifications do not expire.

Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (COBID)
Business Oregon - State of Oregon

The primary goal of certification is to level the playing field by providing certified firms a fair opportunity to compete for government contracts regardless of owner ethnicity, gender, disability, or firm size.


Women Owned Businesses
US Small Business Administration

SBA helps women entrepreneurs launch new businesses and compete in the marketplace. Connect with the training and funding opportunities specifically for women.

Special Groups & Industries